The Power of Music You Never Knew


Have you ever listened to a fantastic instrumental that tears flowed down your eyes? Usually, when people speak of playing an instrument, they imagine the familiar tunes and melody. But far from that thought, an outstanding melody/ music is capable of changing your world, either for a lifetime or for the moment you are enjoying it.

Music is powerful in itself, and it also can make you powerful. Well, this depends on the type of music you enjoy. Besides, let’s not forget the tiny number that does not know what to feel for harmony or melody.

But what makes music so unique? What makes it so powerful that it dominates the soul? What is in music that changes lives for good? And why does it only control other people? Generally, what is this power found in music alone?

Let’s find out.



Almost everybody enjoys music; experts say even the fetus forming in the mother’s womb enjoys music. Moreover, you can enjoy music by listening, playing an instrument and singing. This means that you can have your life up and running with just music.

Nevertheless, music is not only for adults but even children. Lately, music education is spreading its wings to teaching everyone about the basics of the entire concept. Yes, you can be in class learning music just like any other subject.

You can still learn music in school with every other subject inclusive or go to an exclusive music school if you have a particular interest in music. Such schools like music lessons in Memphis offer everything about music, including any instrument you want to play.

As part of learning and growing, music helps kids in their pronunciation and skills to solve problems. Remarkably, music education has a massive impact on people with physical disabilities. Music therapy can enable these people to enhance positive attitudes toward their disabilities and offer unique growth opportunities. Singing and speech have many similarities. The use of vocal cords used in singing can develop oral motor skills like diction, breath control, and vocal strength.

Moreover, as a lover of music, you will learn to play different instruments. It only takes good training to play a particular device with zeal and expertise. Besides, music is a field that comprises various sub-fields that will bring the best out of someone interested. It is not something that you pick along the way. Even though you have a great voice to sing, it will take training your voice to move multitudes.

Also, in music, you will learn to socialize and live with different kinds of people. Music is a social field that requires you to mingle, practice, and learn from one another. This way, it teaches you to be social with other people to make it in life. Remember, life is not a bubble, and you are part of a larger community.



Sometimes you can hear music that you once heard in a memorable event in life, like a breakup, wedding, and even a burial. This music can trigger a nostalgic feeling that can relive your heart’s experience, hence a musical scar. The nostalgia is not in the music, but the experience provokes the memory.

This is also related to the lyrics in a particular song. If one talks of sadness and longing, it will affect the ones who have lived such miseries. Conversely, another song about positivity may relate to people who view the world from a glass half full or in the eyes of the good.

To understand why people form an attachment to particular songs, you should start to understand the brain’s relationship with music as a whole. First, hearing a song, the auditory cortex, helps us convert the rhythms, melodies, and harmonies into an articulate whole.

Next, personal reaction to music will depend on how you interrelate with it. When you sing along to a particular song in your head, it makes you trigger your premotor cortex; this enables you to plan and synchronize movements.

Also, when you dance along, your neurons will coordinate with the beat of the music. Being attentive to the lyrics and instrumentation simultaneously activates your parietal cortex, which helps you change and retain attention to diverse stimuli.

Furthermore, when you listen to a song that activates individual memories, your prefrontal cortex, which preserves information critical to your personal life and relationships, will swing back into the scene. Music has the power to bring to life the memories of what we long to remember.


Common Language of Emotions

Usually, when people say that ‘actions speak louder than words,’ they have not heard how ‘loud’ music can be. Music speaks where words fail. You lack words to express something, but only a great poem combined with a unique melody can be the air solution you don’t want to say.

Music is the universal language of emotion, whereby it conveys different feelings and surges into the soul without any restrictions. Even with the disabled people or anyone who ever feel that “nobody understands them” or how they “really feel,” music becomes the place of comfort for their worries.

More so, there are times when one is in so much distress and feels like they specially made a particular song for you. Such moments are called the musical epiphany or the “sign.”

Music also can emulate and evoke powerful emotions to reactions such as chills and thrills in listeners. The temporal sequence of music imitates everyone’s emotional side; the start, build-up, peak, and end. A slow tempo is usually a representation of sadness, mostly with depression, while a lively tune conveys happiness or maximum energy.

Fact is, positive emotions control musical experiences. Enjoyable music may cause the discharge of neurotransmitters linked with reward, such as dopamine. Listening to music is a quick and straightforward way to change the mood or relieve stress.


Emotional Empathy

Emotional empathy occurs when you contact the same emotion in real life from something like music. For instance, for someone heading to work and listening to a sad song all through, the odds of having a tragic or moody start of the day at work are high.

Music has the power to control our day. That is why it is essential to be careful about the kind of music we listen to first thing in the morning. Typically, people can relate to music and be influenced by its elements.

For instance, someone going through a breakup should listen to happy and energetic songs to revive their spirits from sorrows rather than sad songs. Are you in this situation? Consider changing your playlist.



Do you cry or feel goosebumps when you listen to your favorite musician? Such times, their music tends to make you cry because of the feeling of awe and admiration. Undeniably, music makes us feel.

It is normal to have a sense of curiosity and wonder from anything that makes you stir emotions for the moment. Sometimes, you cannot help or explain what you are crying or your heart beating faster from your favorite music/musician’s sound.

Without a doubt, humans are a talented lot. That is why the awe experience originates from the sensitivity to what extraordinary minds can create. Unbelievably, we are overwhelmed by experiencing a solid power from music to move and undress the soul and all its layers.

Suppose your favorite music talks about loving and caring for the needy. In that case, the admiration experience will want to move you to change your general perspective and the society at large concerning your song. These goosebumps give us a push towards change, and hopefully for the better of everyone at large.

Possibly songs, lyrics, and cords are their way of expressing hello, goodbye, or to reinforce the loud silence we wish others could understand seemingly.


Activates Pleasure

Music is like a blend of entertainment drugs that people take orally through the ear to activate many pleasure circuits instantly.

Like the gains from food and money, good music also feels like again and rewards the soul. This means that people tend to love their favorite song, playing repeatedly and still not get enough of it. It brings a touch of satisfaction and thirst to our emotional desires for meaning and connection at the same time.

Thus, activation of the reward system by music may increase pleasure by triggering the reward system and concurrently reducing brain layout activity associated with negative emotions.

Last but not least, music is the magic pill to your body, brain, and soul. Music connects the entire body to function as one. In the case of a sad song, even the physical body tends to react in a week and unfortunate manner when it triggers painful memories, not to mention the positive emotional impact. Undeniably, whether you are a music student or a listener of music, you will agree that music makes the world go round. Imagine a world without music; pathetic! That is why there’s the need for music education not to cease this impact.