How Music Brings Unity


Have you ever attended a concert and the whole crowd sang along to different songs? When you judge everyone’s response, there was a magical connection that had people from different locations sing and dance together. That magic is called music!

Moreover, in a world that continues to face many crises that tear us apart, music is the only thing that seems to stand in the gap. Undeniably, music brings people of different races, gender, cultures, and sexuality.

Without a doubt, music is a universal feature of human existence. From the major cities to the most faraway villages, deserts to rainforests, the heights of mountains to the deepest seas, music is and continues to be a part of daily life for people worldwide. That is why studying music is a critical part of one’s life, especially if you get training from top institutions like

Every culture has created music all through history-making the musical heritage an inseparable part of humanity and communities at large. Below are three ways music brings unity among people from within cultures and across the border. Read on.


A Medium for Sharing and Expressing Emotions

We will all agree that listening to music can sometimes trigger an incredibly emotional experience. Music can make you cry, laugh, happy, sad, angry, nostalgic, sleepy, and even hyper instantly. This means that it takes over whatever emotions one had and replaces them with the message it conveys. The music’s message then connects with similar emotions and expresses whatever feelings you will have.

When musicians create a song, they pour their emotions into the piece making their fans connect with their emotional journey. That is why you will find people telling of an artist’s journey because of the connected emotions poured out in the particular song.

Remarkably, the emotional aspects of different songs are more widespread than one might expect. From a recent study, experts told different people to listen to second clips of 14 songs from tiny communities from all around the world. The study’s purpose was to identify the song’s theme and tell whether it was a dance song, lullaby, love song, and more. According to the results, a majority chose correctly regardless of the fact the songs from foreign cultures.

Did you learn folk songs, lullabies, love songs, and more from different communities in school?


Offers a Platform for Bonding from an Experience

Many people who love music attend musical events to unwind and have human-to-human relations in the digital era. Chances are, almost everyone recalls an amazing concert they attended with some friends. Most probably, most people who made new friends are likely to remember them from the concerts and perhaps even shared contacts to continue with the newly founded friendships.

As stated above, many people from different walks of life interact during live musical concerts for the first time. Still, some states put together concerts to commemorate common beliefs and past occurrences, which bring together people from different races, tribes, religions, and even cultures. In these concerts, people set aside differences, whether cultural or political, and become one to flow with the theme of the concert dancing and singing together.

But how is this possible? According to some experts, they trust that it’s the tempo in music that enables people to synchronize their brains and harmonize their body movements with others, which leads to the effects being translated to an entire group.

Do you remember a significant concert that brought people from all over to attend or even watch TV? Whatever the concert’s themes, music touches even the most complicated souls and has people melt down their differences. Subsequently, these things remain in our memories that even the sounds of the concert songs rekindle the experiences we had there.


A Vehicle For Own and Diverse Cultures

Every culture takes pride and identifies in its music. Therefore, if another culture sings a song from the other, it makes them feel a glimpse of the other way of life. Music makes one culture walk into the shoes and understands the other culture better.

This works best when there is a conflict between different cultures, and all other means of reconciliation seem not to be working. For example, during political conflicts with different tribes fighting, the only means of softening the rivals’ hearts is by sharing music. Music that bridges political and tribal conflicts makes people from different sides understand each other and resolve.

Apart from learning about each other’s culture to help in resolving issues, music also educates people. Through music, people learn different instruments, words, and costumes of a different culture. More so, people learn about different musical themes for other cultures like weddings, funerals, initiations, and even childbirth. Some music also has lessons and teachings from the past enlightening people to learn from past mistakes and live better. Yes, apart from being a source of entertainment, music also warns through culture.

Generally, cultures express themselves differently through the music they enjoy listening to, singing, and even performing. With music, people have a powerful tool to define themselves and their culture, allowing people to express themselves through their performances or even just by listening. Performance and listening to music offer a significant opportunity for people to know more about one another and primarily experience different cultures.



Last but not least, with a wide range of reasons for people to be upset about, music provides people with something they can always cling to for warmth and comfort on the cold and bad days. Are you feeling somewhat stressed and lonely? Put on some headphones and draw inspirations from your favorite artists and use them for the good of your life.

Better still, try exploring a different genre that you know nothing about and find something of interest. You are likely to find an artist or a song that will expose you to a new life angle and society by branching out. You can find interest in traveling to a new land to see the new and exciting culture to learn more from music.